98 pages 3 hours read

Isabel Allende

City of the Beasts

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2002

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Chapters 17-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 17 Summary: “The Cannibal-Bird”

Walimai, Nadia, Borobá, and Alex arrive back in Tapirawa-Teri to find that the International Geographic expedition has arrived in the village by helicopter. Walimai decides to depart and Alex gives him his Swiss army knife in exchange for all his help. In addition to Kate, Dr. Omayra Torres, Karakawe, Ludovic Leblanc, César Santos, Timothy Bruce, Captain Ariosto and Mauro Carías are also present, along with several soldiers. The village is completely abandoned and there are no signs of the tribe. 

Dr. Torres emphasizes that it is extremely important to vaccinate the tribe soon and asks Nadia to try and communicate with them. Nadia agrees to do so to the best of her ability. That evening, Kate explains to Alex and Nadia that after their kidnapping, the expedition was rescued by Ariosto in his helicopters and that the group found its way to the village in search of Alex and Nadia. While everyone else is asleep, Nadia goes to the jungle and tells the People of the Mist that Kate has “a lot of magic in the world of the nahab” (336), hoping to convince them to trust the expedition.