54 pages 1 hour read

Cassandra Clare

City of Glass

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2007

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Part 3, Chapter 16-Epilogue

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3: “The Way to Heaven”

Part 3, Chapter 16 Summary: “Articles of Faith”

Instead of feeling happy to see her mother awake, Clary’s pent-up anger at the secrets her mother kept comes rushing out. Her mother argues she hid the Shadowhunter world from Clary to protect her, which only makes Clary angrier. Her mother had no right to make unilateral decisions about Clary’s life without consulting her, and knowing she’ll just say more hurtful things, Clary runs from the house. Simon goes after her, and from a hill overlooking Alicante, they watch as downworlders gather outside the city. At sundown, the Clave will decide whether they ally with the downworlders to fight Valentine’s demons or surrender to his demands. Clary can’t help but feel that whatever happens “[will] change the workings of the whole Shadowhunting world” (367).

Simon tells Clary how he became a vampire—about the compulsion to return to the Hotel Dumort that he finally heeded after realizing Jace and Clary truly loved each other. He’ll always love Clary as an important person in his life, and Clary is grateful for his friendship. At sunset, the downworlders outside the city start to leave—the Clave has decided to submit to Valentine’s rule.