54 pages 1 hour read

Cassandra Clare

City of Glass

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2007

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Part 2, Chapters 11-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Stars Shine Darkly”

Part 2, Chapter 11 Summary: “All the Host of Hell”

Jace gives Clary a serif blade, and the two charge into the city, where a demon corners them. A werewolf comes to their aid, returns to its human form, and reveals itself to be a werewolf friend of Luke’s. After Luke left Clary with Amatis, he called every werewolf he knows to Idris to prepare for the fall of Alicante’s wards.

Clary and Jace go to the meeting hall, where they are reunited with Alec, Magnus, and Luke. While Luke argues with a high-ranking Shadowhunter about the importance of downworlders in the fight against Valentine, Clary gives Magnus the Book of White. Sebastian arrives, outraged that Clary gave the book to a downworlder, and brushes off Alec’s concern about Isabelle and the other Lightwoods. He tells them Simon and the other prisoners are still in captivity and argues with Jace about who should go with Clary to rescue Simon. Wary of Sebastian, Clary leaves with Jace, and the dark look in Sebastian’s eyes makes her feel “a chill at the base of her neck, as if a cold hand had touched her there” (263).