59 pages 1 hour read

Cassandra Clare

City of Bones

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2007

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Part 2, Chapters 10-11

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Easy Is the Descent”

Part 2, Chapter 10 Summary: “City of Bones”

Clary and Jace are shocked by the news that Clary’s mother and Valentine were married. Clary’s mother and Luke left when they realized how extreme Valentine was, but Hodge, the Lightwoods, and others stayed because they were afraid of Valentine. During the uprising against the Clave, Hodge and the Lightwoods returned to the Clave but were punished for siding with Valentine. Hodge is cursed to remain in New York, and the Lightwoods may only return to Idris on official business. Twenty years ago, Valentine’s plan was to use the Mortal Cup to create an army of Shadowhunters out of humans with no regard for the ones who would not survive the process. When the kids argue that it’s murder, Hodge says Valentine wouldn’t care because Shadowhunters protected humans for centuries and that humans should “repay us with their own sacrifice” (155).

The group decides the best way to find Clary’s mom and get answers about Valentine is to have the Silent Brothers, powerful Shadowhunter archivists, unlock any memories hidden in her mind. The next day, Brother Jeremiah, one of the brothers, brings Clary and Jace to the Bone City in a black carriage pulled by wispy black horses.