67 pages 2 hours read

Cassandra Clare

Chain of Gold

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2020

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Part 2, Chapters 17-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2

Chapter 17 Summary: “The Hollow Sea”

Lucie and James back safely at the Institute, Will chides them for attempting to fight a Mandikhor on their own. James is sorry that they couldn’t kill the demon, but Tessa reminds him that even the knowledge that the demon is a Mandikhor is very useful. James and Lucie hide certain details of their adventure from their parents. James wishes to meet Cordelia so he can return Cortana to her; the sword was brought to the Institute with him and Lucie by accident. Will and Tessa ask him to go to Cordelia in their fortified carriage.

Meanwhile, Matthew, Christopher, and Cordelia share a carriage home from the riverside. As Matthew walks Cordelia to her front door, Cordelia tells Matthew that he is a worthy friend, despite his habit of self-deprecation. Matthew is happy to have Cordelia in his life but tells her he has caused irreparable damage to someone in his past, for which he cannot forgive himself. He leaves.

James arrives with Cortana. Though Cordelia commiserates with James over his heartbreak, James is more perturbed by his lack of sadness. He confesses to Cordelia that kissing her at Hell Ruelle was not an act, making her blush.