67 pages 2 hours read

Cassandra Clare

Chain of Gold

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2020

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Part 2, Chapters 13-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2

Chapter 13 Summary: “Blue Ruin”

Seeking relief from his heartbreak, James visits Blackfriars Bridge, a favorite place for his family—but the familiar setting brings no comfort. Matthew joins him, understanding his sorrow through their unique parabatai bond. James grabs Matthew’s flask and drinks Blue Ruin, the cheapest, strongest liquor out there. Feeling suddenly lucid, James tells Matthew he can sense something plaguing his parabatai, but Matthew evades James’s question. James suddenly faints, almost slipping off the bridge. In a dream, he sees himself with a great winged demon on his back. Cordelia kills the demon, using Cortana.

James wakes up at the Institute, where Matthew brought him. James feels oddly well, though he groans at learning everyone now knows of his heartbreak and Grace’s engagement to Charles. Matthew tells James that the injured—including Tatiana—have been moved to the Silent City, home of the Silent Brothers. Grace has been put up with the Pouncebys, a Shadowhunter family.

A letter arrives for Lucie, but James intercepts it, knowing it is actually for Cordelia. He brings the letter to Cordelia, feeling lighter than he has in months. The letter is from the Consul Charlotte Fairchild, Matthew’s mother. The letter relays that Cordelia’s father Elias’s trial has gained no momentum, since the Clave is now occupied with the demon attacks.