76 pages 2 hours read

Gary Soto

Buried Onions

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1997

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Chapters 7-8

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary

Eddie is released after a few hours of questioning by the police. He again notices more crucifixes on people, this time on a blind man selling Snicker bars who is holding an axe hidden behind his back. Eddie notes, “Christ and a club!” (105). Mr. Stiles’ truck has been used in a laundromat theft where an elderly man was killed, and it is Eddie’s calling in the location of the truck to Mr. Stiles that has resulted in Eddie becoming a suspect in the murder.

Eddie heads to the hospital, to visit Jose. When he gets there, he learns Jose has been released to his family. Back at his apartment, a note from Mr. Stiles confirms that he was the one to call the police and connect Eddie to his stolen truck. Mr. Stiles justifies this action by writing that he “had to be sure you were not involved in the assault” (108). Eddie wants to cry, saying his “soul [had been] trampled by bad luck and bad luck’s brother, hard times” (108).

Mr. Stiles leaves Eddie’s bicycle and a six-pack of sodas for Eddie, in a seeming apology. Eddie remains in his apartment for two days, watching television and eating.