76 pages 2 hours read

Gary Soto

Buried Onions

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1997

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Chapters 3-4

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 3 Summary

Eddie starts a new day musing about what the good life is. He imagines being a father, having time to watch television and drink beers. In contrast to that image, he sees his actual life as one big mess, no matter how many neatly-edged street numbers he paints.

Angel arrives at Eddie’s apartment. Eddie has been speculating about what happened to Mr. Stiles’ car, and believes Angel stole it. Under questioning, Angel admits to having stolen an Acura, but not a truck. This is the first time where we see Eddie’s fertile imagination possibly working against him, as it may not be good for him to accuse Angel without evidence or to initiate a confrontational relationship with him. The accusation against Angel is the beginning of the disintegration of their relationship.

Angel also now has Eddie’s aunt’s gun and is more set than ever on revenge killing, but keeps insisting he needs Eddie’s help. Aunt Delores had delivered the gun to Angel the night before, after Eddie turned it down. Angel persists in convincing Eddie to join him, using derisive comments to wear at Eddie, but Eddie resists. Finally, Eddie successfully puts himself down to get rid of Angel: “I’m a sissy.