76 pages 2 hours read

Gary Soto

Buried Onions

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1997

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Chapter 9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary

Eddie explains that after the confrontation both he and Angel were smart enough to get away from the hospital, where police might be arriving. The two go in different directions, and Jose eventually pulls up beside Eddie in a car. Jose is crying, thinking of what still might be ahead. Eddie, however, wants to be alone, and walks back to his apartment, pausing to rest in alleys. Once home, he takes a soaking bath to soothe himself.

Lupe, the older brother to Samuel, comes to scream at Eddie about how he has smashed Samuel against the wall at Angel’s. Fortunately, in the dark and with Lupe at first just peering through a window he has broken, he can’t spot Eddie laying in the corner, by the roaches. Before Lupe can enter Eddie’s place, Eddie’s neighbor, Mrs. Rios, hearing the commotion, comes out and sends Lupe on his way. She then shouts out to Eddie to ask if he is ok, but he is too weak to answer with more than, “Si, I’m sleepy” (142).

Eddie struggles with whether he’s been right about Angel killing Jesus.

He finally falls asleep on the floor, imagining himself being kicked not by Angel, but by a “dude in yellow shoes” (142).