44 pages 1 hour read

Katherine Paterson

Bridge To Terabithia

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1977

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Chapters 10-11

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 10 Summary: “The Perfect Day”

Jess wakes up early to the sound of his dad leaving to find work. Jess goes to milk Bessie after promising May Belle they will watch cartoons later. As he milks the cow, Jess leans his head against her, wondering if cows ever feel anxiety like he does. May Belle comes outside to tell Jess that he has a phone call: Miss Edmunds asks him if he would go to the National Art Gallery at the Smithsonian. Jess quickly asks for permission from his dozing mother, who barely wakes up while Jess is talking. Jess leaves in a hurry before she has a chance to say no. He is ecstatic and nervous to drive with Miss Edmunds. As they pass the Burkes’ home, Jess realizes that he didn’t think to invite Leslie.

The National Art Gallery amazes Jess, who is “drunk with color and form and hugeness” (127). Before Jess can say that he does not have any money for lunch, Miss Edmunds insists on paying. They also visit the Smithsonian, where they see a miniature of buffalo stampeding over a cliff to their death. Jess is horrified and enraptured by the image. The sun finally comes out, and Jess thinks the day could not get any better.