41 pages 1 hour read

Gary Paulsen

Brian's Hunt

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2003

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Chapters 8-9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 8 Summary

Content Warning: These chapters contain graphic descriptions of violent death that may be upsetting to younger readers.

Brian processes the deer and feeds the unwanted parts to the dog. Brian learns the dog’s signals quickly and finds himself depending on her for warnings and reactions. He realizes how much he enjoys having the companionship of a dog and decides he “would never be without a dog again” (61). Brian plans to stay at the same campsite all the next day to turn leftover meat into jerky, but when dawn comes he feels an inexplicable urge to leave. He doesn’t understand why his instincts are telling him to pack up and go, but he trusts them and heads north with the dog in his canoe. He sets his sights toward the Cree camp and plans to ask them if they know anything about the dog or problems with a bear in the area. Brian finds himself hurrying as he paddles, but he doesn’t know why he feels such urgency. When he finally stops for the day after dark, he makes a stew from the deer meat and prepares to sleep. The dog becomes nervous, and she whines as she looks to the north.