76 pages 2 hours read

Gary Paulsen

Brian's Winter

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1996

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Part 2, Chapters 8-10

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Winter”

Part 2, Chapter 8 Summary

The rain comes again, and the temperature continues to drop, but this time Brian stays warm and dry inside his shelter. His meat supply from the deer steadily declines, and Brian knows he will need to hunt again soon. During the rain, Brian stays busy preparing for even colder weather. Out of the deer hide, he makes sleeves for his poncho and a pair of moccasins to fit over his tennis shoes. As he works, he learns to soften the hide by working it over a piece of wood.

When the rain stops and Brian emerges from the shelter in the morning, the sight of the woods covered in bright snow nearly blinds him. The beauty of it shocks Brian; it surpasses any picture of snow-covered woods that he’s ever seen. He ventures out into the white world in his new moccasins, and he notices that since all animals leave tracks in the snow, it will be easier to hunt. Brian feels good in the snow in his new warm clothing and decides to hunt for large game.