76 pages 2 hours read

Gary Paulsen

Brian's Winter

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1996

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Part 2, Chapters 14-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Winter”

Part 2, Chapter 14 Summary

Six inches of snow falls, adding to the snow already on the ground. When Brian tries to walk in the snow to gather wood, his feet and legs sink into the snow and freeze. As he considers this problem, he remembers the rabbits’ large feet, and realizes he needs to make a pair of snowshoes. The next morning, he plans them: He will make two bows of wood, tie them together, and add crosspieces. His plan proves easy enough, and he creates webbing for the middle using strips of moose hide. In two days, the shoes are finished. He makes a few adjustments after trying them for the first time, and successfully moves in the snow because of them.

The snowshoes change Brian’s attitude and perspective. Now he can get outside to walk, hunt, and do things again, rather than shutting himself into the shelter. That night, he takes inventory of his meat supply, and decides to hunt again soon. 

Part 2, Chapter 15 Summary

Somehow, the weather grows even colder. However, as Brian ventures outside, his animal hide clothing keeps him warm while he walks and hunts. Although rabbits are plentiful and easily spotted, Brian has been “spoiled” by the moose (113)—one kill that provided him with so much