54 pages 1 hour read

Gordon Korman

Born to Rock

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2006

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Chapters 7-11

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary

It’s the end of senior year. Leo feels good about his acceptance to Harvard and having scholarship money to pay for it. He and his friends are all excited about their college acceptances. Leo has told no one about his biological father.

But then, Leo receives a letter from his scholarship foundation revoking his scholarship to Harvard due to the ethics violation on Leo’s record. Leo is devastated. He won’t be able to afford 40 thousand dollars for his first semester. Leo’s parents attempt to fight for him by calling Harvard and the scholarship foundation, but with no success.

At school, Leo keeps his smashed Harvard dreams to himself. He doesn’t want anyone to know his plans have changed. Melinda excitedly tells Leo about Concussed World Tour—an annual punk and metal festival. This year, Purge will be reuniting after 16 years to headline the event. Leo has mixed feelings. He should be more excited about his biological father emerging after so long out of the public eye, but the loss of his Harvard future puts him in a bad mood. He's rude to Melinda and insults Purge’s music. He takes out his anger on her, even though he knows she doesn’t deserve it.