54 pages 1 hour read

Gordon Korman

Born to Rock

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2006

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Chapters 12-18

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 12 Summary

Leo’s parents take him to the airport. The Concussed tour starts in Los Angeles. Leo’s mom apologizes. She feels bad that Leo feels the need to connect with King Maggot. She hates that she’s made a strange man part of Leo’s life.

Leo’s plane emergency lands in Las Vegas, leaving Leo to take a five-hour bus ride the rest of the way to Los Angeles. He arrives at Concussed late, after the first few bands have performed. Cam, Leo’s roadie supervisor, makes Leo fight his way through the massive crowd to get backstage as a hazing ritual.

Purge is about to perform for the first time in 16 years. Leo understands what a big deal this is. When he sees King Maggot, he tries to apologize, but Bernie drags him away: No one is to speak to King before he goes on stage. Bernie assures Leo that he’ll get the hang of things soon.

King Maggot is ferocious on stage and the crowd goes insane. Leo doesn’t enjoy the music, but he can tell Purge is miles above any of the other bands at Concussed. He understands why Purge is so revered. In their set, King rants about 80s political issues, but his words are drowned out by the crowd.