58 pages 1 hour read

Kwame Alexander


Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Pages 268-314

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Pages 268-314 Summary

This section begins with “What happens to a dream destroyed?” and ends with “Freedom.” Grief-stricken, Nick is short with his mother as she says goodbye again. He returns to the psychologist’s office in the poem “Conversation with Dr. Fraud.” They talk about Nick’s favorite rapper, his relationship with his dad, and the importance of keeping up with his mom to ease their separation. Nick follows the doctor’s advice and texts his mom. 

Nick asks April to a school dance. Nick gives Mr. MacDonald a book for his birthday. He asks to see inside the librarian’s mysterious dragonfly box (which The Mac calls Freedom), but Mr. MacDonald playfully refuses. Nick continues communicating with his mom and scores two goals at his soccer game. April’s dad, a police officer, gives Coby and Nick a ride home in his squad car. April mentions the word limerence, and her dad confronts Nick about April’s newfound obsession with the word.

Nick, who has memorized the entirety of Weird and Wonderful Words, goes out for wings with his dad. At dinner, his dad shares about how Nick’s granddad once helped him face a bully. Nick’s dad tried to intimidate the bully, who punched him but didn’t bully him anymore afterward.