58 pages 1 hour read

Kwame Alexander


Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Pages 235-267

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Pages 235-267 Summary

This section begins with the poem “Discharged” and concludes with “Conversation with Mom and Dad.” Nick reads All the Broken Pieces throughout his final night in the hospital and goes home. He reads April’s recommendation, the novel Out of the Dust. In the poem “Phone Conversation,” Nick calls April, and her dad answers, interrogating him. Nick reads from a script when he speaks to April. She asks him to host her next book club. Nick anticipates seeing April and believes his parents have reunited, as shown in the optimistic poem “Dreams Come True.” 

April brings the members of the all-girl the book club, Nerds and Words, to Nick’s house. Winnifred insists on a book for their next meeting. In the poem “Your Suggestion,” Nick brings up a book he researched. Nick’s mom asks April to accompany Nick to the horse stables the following day. His dad calls a family meeting, and Nick’s parents jokingly encourage their son to agree that riding horses with his crush is a good idea. 

In the poem “Rock Horse Ranch,” Nick enjoys his date with April, which ends with a zombie movie at the mall. That evening, Nick’s parents prepare his favorite foods for dinner and dessert.