58 pages 1 hour read

Kwame Alexander


Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

Pages 114-172

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Pages 114-172 Summary

This section begins with “April is” and concludes with “Bad.” Nick writes a love poem about April during English, and Ms. Hardwick discovers him in the poem “Caught.” Ms. Hardwick and the teacher’s pet, Winnifred, reveal the meaning of a word from his poem, limerence. As Winnifred explains to the class, limerence is “A. Major. Crush” (119). Nick apologizes to Coby for not intervening during his fight with the twins in “Coby’s Back.” April gives Coby a note for Nick, but Mr. MacDonald interrupts Nick and Coby’s conversation. 

April’s note asks Nick to meet her after her swim class. In “Conversation with April,” Nick anxiously talks with her about words and his parents’ separation. On the way home, the Eggleston twins steal Nick’s bicycle. Nick’s dad reminds him about his chores, but Nick yells about his anger and discontent in the poem “Breakdown.” Nick says he would like to die. He wakes up the next morning to find his mom holding him. Her presence reminds him of a happier time, as the poem “This Morning” shows.  

Nick’s parents prevent him from playing in a New York soccer tournament that weekend. Nick complains about his parents to Mr.