125 pages 4 hours read

James Patterson, Kwame Alexander

Becoming Muhammad Ali

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2020

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Answer Key

Round 1

Reading Check

1. Lucky (Round 1, Introduction)

2. The Golden Gloves tournament in Chicago (Round 1, Poems 1-9)

3. A big house (Round 1, Introduction)

4. Louisville, Kentucky (Round 1, Introduction)

Short Answer

1. He uses a variety of terms to describe his talents as a boxer, including “sweeter, / stronger, / and faster” than Joe Louis and Sugar Ray. (Round 1, Poem 1) He also says that he is both “courageous” and “tenacious.” (Round 1, Poem 9)

2. He’s disappointed to lose, but his pride is still intact. (Round 1, Poem 9)

Round 2

Reading Check

1. Odessa “Bird” Clay (Round 2, Poems 12-15)

2. Two years (Round 2, Poem 17)

3. Fontaine Ferry Park (Round 2, Poem 23)

Short Answer

1. It suggests that he will take any job, regardless of what it is, probably because the family needs the money. (Round 2, Poem 19)

2. They want to see Granddaddy Herman. (Round 2, Poem 20)

3. This phrase refers to the segregated nature of the city. The West End is a Black neighborhood, and it is safe for the boys to be there without having to worry about racism.