125 pages 4 hours read

James Patterson, Kwame Alexander

Becoming Muhammad Ali

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2020

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-book review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. With what annual event do the authors bookend the novel?

A) Tomorrow’s Champions

B) The national Golden Gloves tournament

C) The Louisville Golden Gloves tournament

D) The Olympics

2. Which of the following best describes why Lucky’s role is important, even though he is fictional?

A) He narrates each section and explains the historical context by incorporating memories of growing up in 1950s Louisville.

B) He writes the poems that fill the chapters, showing poetically how Cassius views himself and others.

C) He serves as a reminder that no one will ever know exactly how Cassius Clay became Muhammad Ali.

D) He provides an entry point for readers so that they can feel like they grew up knowing Cassius Clay too.

3. How does Cash’s opinion of boxing change over the course of the novel?

A) In the beginning, he sees it as a path to success; by the end, he is worried his son will be injured.

B) In the beginning, he sees it as a distraction; by the end, he is often at Cassius’s fights.

C) In the beginning, he sees it as a path to success; by the end, he believes that he was right.

D) In the beginning, he sees it as a hobby; by the end, he thinks that it is a dangerous waste of time.