63 pages 2 hours read

Charles Dickens

Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of Eighty

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1841

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Chapters 18-32

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 18 Summary

The stranger wanders the streets of London searching for a place to spend the night. He comes across Sim leaving Stagg’s house as the former jokes about Miggs. The stranger tells Stagg he wants a place to stay the night and can pay for it, and falls asleep by the fire as soon as Stagg agrees.

Chapter 19 Summary

Edward stops by the Vardens’ to ask Dolly to carry a letter to Emma, as he knows she is going to the Warren. Martha has a fit when Gabriel says they could all go to Chigwell if she didn’t have such a disdain for the Maypole. After more of Martha’s “hysterics,” she finally agrees to go to Chigwell and the whole family sets off in a coach with Dolly looking as beautiful as ever. Joe is happy to see Dolly once they arrive and watches her as she heads out toward the Warren.

Chapter 20 Summary

Dolly gives the letter from Edward to Emma. Emma takes her time reading it and writing a reply, so Dolly amuses herself by looking at her own reflection in the mirror. Dolly thinks Emma should try to make Edward jealous, but Emma tells Dolly she should be honest with Joe about her feelings for him.