53 pages 1 hour read

Chinua Achebe

Arrow of God

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1964

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Chapters 1-3

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary

Arrow of God begins with its protagonist, the Chief Priest Ezeulu of Umuaro, who looks for “signs of the new moon” (1). Ezeulu notices that, as he grows older, it becomes more difficult to look at the moon for long periods of time. He recognizes that he is still “as good as any young man, or better because young men [are] no longer what they used to be” (2).

Ezeulu still fears the new moon. Even though becoming Chief Priest meant that his fear of the new moon “was often overpowered by the joy of his high office” (2), today he still fears his responsibility. He beats his ogene, a large metal bell, and the others in his compound join in a chant.

Ezeulu can hear his wives argue about where the moon is. The younger insists that it is “an evil moon” (2), but Matefi does not agree. He can also hear his children, Obiageli and Nwafo, her brother, argue over whether the moon kills people.

One sacred yam, which Ezeulu pulls from a special hut, is his food that night.