53 pages 1 hour read


Arden of Faversham

Fiction | Play | Adult | Published in 1592

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Scenes 2-8

Scene Summaries & Analyses

Scene 2 Summary

On his way to London, Greene and a goldsmith named Bradshaw encounter Black Will, a man who served with Bradshaw in the military. Bradshaw warns Greene of Will’s infamous lack of morals; but secretly, Greene is pleased. Bradshaw tells Will he is facing trial for selling a stolen plate belonging to a nobleman, Lord Cheyne. He is heading to London to find the person who sold it to him. Since Will keeps company with criminals, Bradshaw describes the man. Will recognizes him immediately as Jack Fitten, who is already imprisoned in Newgate for another crime. Bradshaw is relieved and leaves to tell Lord Cheyne. Greene gives him a letter to deliver to Alice. Now alone with Will and his companion, Shakebag, Greene reveals his plan to murder Arden. Enticed by Greene’s offer of ten pounds upfront with twenty more to come, Will and Shakebag sign on.

Scene 3 Summary

Michael reads aloud a letter he composed to Susan. Arden and Franklin overhear him. Arden is annoyed both that Michael is wasting time composing love letters when he should be working and that Michael is attracted to Mosby’s sister. Arden says he will dismiss Susan from Alice’s service upon his return to Faversham.