56 pages 1 hour read


One Thousand and One Nights

Fiction | Short Story Collection | Adult | Published in 2015

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.


Index of Terms

How to use

This flexible-use quiz is designed for reading comprehension assessment and activity needs in classroom, home-schooling and other settings. Questions connect to the text’s plot, characters, and themes — and align with the content and chapter organization in the rest of this study guide. Use quizzes as pre-reading hooks, reading checks, discussion starters, entrance/exit “tickets,” small group activities, writing activities, and lessons on finding evidence and support in a text.

Depth of Knowledge Levels: Questions require respondents to demonstrate ability to: 

  1. Recall and Understand Content (e.g., who, what, where, when) 
  2. Apply and Analyze Ideas (e.g., how and why)


1. Which statement best describes most of the tales in the Thousand and One Nights?


A) They are riddles based on Persian logic.

B) They are embedded inside other stories.

C) They contain only monsters or demons.

D) They contain no endings but go on and on.


2. What three cultures contribute most of the stories? (short answer)

Prologue - Story 1

3. King Shahriyar and his brother, Shahzaman, share what experience in common?


A) Each lost a son in battle.

B) Each lost a daughter to illness.

C) Each marries an unfaithful wife.

D) Each marries a nagging wife.


4. Why does Shahriyar execute a young woman every morning?


A) His wife betrayed him.

B) A jinnee put a spell on him.

C) There are too many women in the kingdom