95 pages 3 hours read

Agatha Christie

And Then There Were None

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1939

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Chapters 4-6

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 4 Summary

One by one, the guests defend themselves against the accusations made on the record. Justice Wargrave, whom The Voice declared guilty of the murder of Edward Seton, informs the group that he found Seton guilty of murder and gave him the death sentence. He stands by his decision because he was doing his duty. Dr. Armstrong asks Justice Wargrave if he knew Seton before the trial. Justice Wargrave says he did not, but Dr. Armstrong is certain that he is lying.

Vera Claythorne, guilty of the death of Cyril Hamilton, confesses that she was Cyril’s nursery governess. He swam too far one day when she wasn’t paying attention and drowned. General Macarthur, guilty of the death of Arthur Richmond, says that Richmond was one of his officers who died after he sent him on a reconnaissance, a natural casualty in war. He and Vera are both visibly shaken.

Lombard is amused. He freely admits that The Voice was correct that he left 21 members of an East African tribe to die in the wilderness to save himself.

Anthony Marston, guilty of the death of John and Lucy Combes, says that they must have been the kids he ran over by accident, resulting in his license being suspended for a year.