95 pages 3 hours read

Agatha Christie

And Then There Were None

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1939

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Chapter 14-Manuscript

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 14 Summary

The four remaining guests carry Justice Wargrave’s body to his room and retire to the kitchen to eat a tense dinner of canned tongue. Lombard says that the killer must have planted the seaweed in Vera Claythorne’s room as a distraction, knowing they would all race upstairs thinking Vera was the one being murdered. This would then give the killer the opportunity to catch Justice Wargrave off guard. Lombard speculates that they hadn’t heard the gunshot because of Vera’s screaming or the wind howling. All four of them look at each other. Each of them thinks they know who the murderer is, but no one makes any accusations out loud.

The remaining four retire to their bedrooms for the night. In his room, Lombard notices that the revolver is once again back in his drawer. In her room, Vera lies in bed thinking again of Cyril. She remembers how she told Cyril to swim to the rock, knowing that he wouldn’t survive. She was certain nobody would ever suspect, but she wonders if Hugo figured out what she did. While tossing and turning, she finds herself drawn to a big black hook in the middle of her ceiling that she never noticed before.