58 pages 1 hour read

Jenny Han

Always and Forever, Lara Jean

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2017

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Chapters 13-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary

Lucas, Chris, and Lara Jean discuss the pressure of prom, and whether it really will be perfect. Lara Jean is going with Peter, and Chris is adamant she will not be going at all; Lucas is not sure, since he won’t have a date. Lara Jean is worried because her birthday is the next day, and she wants to see her friends; Chris assures her the only thing she’ll be thinking about is “los[ing] your V that night” (194). Chris defends the cliché of losing your virginity the night of prom because she says most people will never look as good again in their lives. Lara Jean affirms she expects to lose her virginity during college, out of her house, as an “adult.”

Chapter 14 Summary

Lara Jean’s family plans her father’s proposal for a hike, with Peter and the girls hiding and recording the whole thing. Then, there will be a family picnic. The morning of the proposal, their father is very nervous and almost forgets to bring the engagement ring. Lara Jean overhears Kitty asking Peter if he will still visit her when they’ve gone off to college, and she’s thrilled to hear him say yes.