69 pages 2 hours read

Jennifer L. Armentrout

A Soul of Ash and Blood

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2023

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 16-30

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 16 Summary: “It Is Done”

Jansen notifies Cas that Jericho killed Rylan. In doing so, Jericho went rogue and attempted to kidnap the Maiden himself. He injured her, though she defended herself well, slicing Jericho’s side with her dagger. Enraged, Cas travels through the unsanitary streets outside Castle Teerman, seeking out Jericho at a gambling den. Kieran senses Cas’s distress through their bond, calming him before Cas confronts Jericho. Jericho is a descendant of an old wolven bloodline, and killing him will anger Cas’s other undercover comrades in Solis. Kieran understands why Cas is angry—both men detest violence against women, especially when it is entirely unnecessary.

Chapter 17 Summary: “He Earned It”

Although Cas appears grateful for Jericho’s actions, he cuts off Jericho’s hand as punishment for disobeying orders. Cas warns the other Atlantians present that future acts of disobedience will be punishable by death. As they leave the establishment, Cas and Kieran realize they have underestimated the Maiden.

Chapter 18 Summary: “A Good Man”

Cas attends Rylan’s funeral, observing how similar the ceremony is to Atlantian funerals. He feels guilty for ordering the death of a good person. Cas is surprised when the Maiden attends; Solis royals rarely pay respects to fallen guards. Vikter moves to light Rylan’s pyre but realizes doing so will leave the Maiden unguarded.