38 pages 1 hour read

Chinua Achebe

A Man of the People

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1966

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Chapter 9-13

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary

In Chapter Nine, Odili returns to Anata even though Max and his fiancé Eunice try to convince him to stay in Bori for Christmas. When he arrives in Anata, the truck he’s on drops him off at a market called Waya, near the school, where there is a commotion. Josiah, a merchant, has stolen a blind beggar’s stick. The beggar’s name is Azoge. Josiah wanted to use the stick to make and sell medicines. Azoge noticed that his stick had been replaced and started to shout. Josiah barricaded himself inside his shop while people outside cursed him. Within a week he was ruined; no one would buy from him. After a month, Josiah closed up his shop and bar, and left.

On the night he returns from Bori, Odili rents a bicycle to go and see Mrs. Nanga, hoping to tell his side of the story before Chief Nanga’s version can reach her. He is well received and is trying to think of a way to broach the topic of Edna when Mrs. Nanga brings her up on her own. Mrs. Nanga and her son, Eddy, tell Odili where he can find Edna. He tells them that he will go and try to talk her into taking a year to teach before moving into Nanga’s house, but really, he is planning his

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