61 pages 2 hours read

Ernest J. Gaines

A Lesson Before Dying

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1993

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Chapters 9-11

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary

Grant drives Miss Emma to Bayonne to visit Jefferson in the jail at the courthouse. Grant describes the courthouse with confederate flags flying out front and bathrooms for “Whites only” inside. The white deputies search Grant and Miss Emma before they can go inside. Miss Emma brings food and clothing for Jefferson. The prisoners are segregated by race and most are teenagers that Miss Emma refers to as “children.” The deputy locks Grant and Miss Emma in the cell with Jefferson for the hour. At first, Jefferson ignores them and lays on his bunk. There is no place for the visitors to sit, so Miss Emma sits on his bunk, too. Grant notes Jefferson’s unkempt appearance and vows to bring him a comb next time. Despite her efforts, Miss Emma cannot get Jefferson to look at her, talk to her, or eat the food she brought. Jefferson looks at Grant and asks him if he is the one who will be “throwing the switch” to the electric chair. He does not seem to recognize his teacher. Jefferson asks if they will kill him tomorrow.