61 pages 2 hours read

Ernest J. Gaines

A Lesson Before Dying

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1993

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Chapters 16-18

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 16 Summary

As the school day draws to a close, Grant sees Reverend Ambrose, Miss Emma, and his aunt return from visiting Jefferson. The kids finish up Christmas planning, and the boys find a tree for the girls to decorate. Grant dismisses the children, and one runs back to tell him that Miss Emma wants him to stop by on his way home. Reverend Ambrose is with Miss Emma. She accuses Grant of lying to her about the visit. Grant feigns confusion. Miss Emma says she hit Jefferson at the visit today. Grant later overhears his aunt telling Miss Eloise about the visit: Jefferson refused to look at them or talk with them. He stared blankly with no feeling. When he did speak, it was not him but rather just a “voice” saying he should have corn because he is a hog. Miss Emma slapped him for this and collapsed on him. Back at the house, she just cried and wondered what she did to deserve this. She tells Grant he must go back and see Jefferson because he is the teacher.