50 pages 1 hour read

George R. R. Martin

A Feast for Crows

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2005

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 9-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary: “Jaime”

Inside the Great Sept, Jaime stands vigil in front of Tywin’s body. He must do this for seven days and nights before the funeral. During this time, he reflects on his role in his father’s death. Jaime recollects how he was the one responsible for freeing Tyrion, so that his younger brother would not be executed for Joffrey’s murder. He forced Lord Varys, the previous “master of whispers” responsible for espionage and information, to help him by drugging the wine of Tyrion’s guards. However, he also recalls that Tyrion “never said he meant to kill our father” and that if he had, “I would have stopped him” (132).

Chapter 10 Summary: “Brienne”

Brienne arrives at Duskendale and inquires into the whereabouts of Ser Dontos and Sansa. The lord there says that he has seen neither and that they are most likely in Old Town or the Vale, where Sansa’s aunt Lysa lives. In a tavern, Brienne hears that in the nearby port town of Maidenpool, in the “Stinking Goose” inn, a man named Nimble Dick was seen with a fool looking for sea passage for himself and two others. Hoping this is Ser Dontos and Sansa, Brienne decides now to travel to Maidenpool. On her way, she encounters a young man who has been stalking her, and she knocks him from his horse.