64 pages 2 hours read

Ernest Hemingway

A Farewell to Arms

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1929

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Book 4, Chapters 36-37

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Book 4, Chapter 36 Summary

Plans must suddenly be set into motion. The barman comes to their hotel room in the middle of the night and tells Frederic that he will be arrested in the morning. The barman tells him to go to Switzerland. When Frederic asks how, the barman says to take his boat and to leave right away. When Frederic tries to pay for the boat, the barman says to send 500 francs later. He then gives him directions, saying that he doesn’t think they will drown.

Book 4, Chapter 37 Summary

Frederic rows the boat in the dark, with the cold wind and no lights on shore to guide him. When they finally see lights, they have a sense of where they are. They need to get to Switzerland before it gets light out and the guards see them. They must travel over 30 kilometers.

Rowing all night, Frederic tries to stay close to shore but not too close that they can be seen. Catherine suggests using the umbrella as a sail, and it works for a while until the umbrella snaps and Catherine laughs. Catherine gets him a drink and then he rows again. Frederic is exhausted, and Catherine offers to row for a while. Frederic eats and drinks and then takes over again.