64 pages 2 hours read

Ernest Hemingway

A Farewell to Arms

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1929

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Book 4, Chapters 33-35

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Book 4, Chapter 33 Summary

Frederic gets off the train in Milan and goes to a wine shop for coffee. After asking for news of the front, the proprietor repeatedly asks if he is in trouble. He knows that Frederic jumped off the train. He offers to help by giving him a place to stay and says he can get Frederic leave papers for a reasonable price. Frederic assures him that he is all right, but he promises to remember him if he runs into trouble. The storekeeper gives him advice, telling him not to show his coat because it’s clear from the jacket’s discoloration that Frederic cut out the officer stars.

Next Frederic goes to the hospital and finds out from the porter and his wife that Catherine has left Milan for Stresa. He asks them to tell no one about his arrival. He then goes to visit his friend Simmons, a singer, who asks about the news at the front. Frederic explains he’s in trouble and asks him how to go to Switzerland, a neutral country in World War I. He then asks if Simmons would buy him clothes, but Simmons offers him anything out of his own closet. Simmons talks about his career.