94 pages 3 hours read

George Orwell


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1949

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

Answer Key

Part 1, Chapter 1

Reading Check

1. Oceania (Part 1, Chapter 1)

2. Big Brother (Part 1, Chapter 1)

Short-Answer Response

1. A telescreen is a two-way audiovisual transmitter that everyone has in their home; it cannot be turned off. (Part 1, Chapter 1)

2. Winston has bought a diary and begins writing in it in Part 1, Chapter 1; this action is punishable by death. (Part 1, Chapter 1)

Part 1, Chapters 2-4

Reading Check

1. Mrs. Parsons/his neighbor (Part 1, Chapter 2)

2. exercise (Part 1, Chapter 3)

Short-Answer Response

1. Winston remembers an air-raid siren going off and how much it surprised everyone. (Part 1, Chapter 3)

2. It is called the Ministry of Truth, but its job is really to hide the truth. (Part 1, Chapter 4)

Part 1, Chapters 5-6

Reading Check

1. removes words from the dictionary (Part 1, Chapter 5)

2. Katharine (Part 1, Chapter 6)

Short-Answer Response

1. The Ministry of Plenty announces that rations are being changed to reflect a 20% rise in the standard of living, but Winston is sure that rations have been reduced.